Kaas Pathar : Plateau of Flowers a Biodiversity Hotspot - DigiGadgetsreview
Kaas Pathar : Plateau of Flowers a Biodiversity Hotspot

Kaas Pathar : Plateau of Flowers a Biodiversity Hotspot

Short Description:
Kaas Plateau is a rare ,unique, diverse,endemic and importantly endangered ecosystem. It have more than 850 endemic ,rare and unique species which only grow on this plateau. It is situated in western ghats on foothills of Sahyadri mountain range which a Bio diversity hotspot known for its unique bio diversity.

DETAIL Description

Kaas Pathar :
Plateau of Flowers

Kaas Plateau is a rare ,unique, diverse,endemic and importantly endangered ecosystem.
It have more than 850 endemic ,rare and unique species which only grow on this plateau.

It is situated in western ghats on foothills of Sahyadri mountain range which a Bio diversity hotspot known for its unique bio diversity.

Beautiful flowers of Kaas

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Kaas Pathar
Tooth brush orchid
Beautiful flower
Red terada
white flowers!
Location :

Location :

Situated in Satara district of maharashtra ,India.

It is an extension Mahabaleshwar table land.it has altitude of around 3900 ft.

It got name from old  kaas lake which is around 2 km away from it.
Best time to Visit :

Best time to visit between August and September.
Interestingly this plateau changes colour shades every week depending upon flower and monsoon progression.
Lal Terada

Formation :

Kaas plateau is made up from volcanic activities with eruption lava.
Whole Deccan plateau it's self formed due to volcanic activities covering large area between western and eastern ghats.

Why this place is Unique :

Rich in Bio - Diversity , have unique ecosystem, large number of endemic species.
 Around 850 species which only grow on this plateau not any where in the world.
Species includes flora and Fauna.

This endemic species have outstanding universal value.

Many species are new to science and it will help in botanical study and research work.

Micky mouse

High ecological Value :

Many herbs have very high medicinal value.
Significant example of ongoing ecological and biological progression. 

Niche habitat for endemic flora and fauna
Have significant value from point of science and conservation.


What makes this place unique :

It plateau is formed due to volcanic activities So mainly formed of two rocks namely basalt and  lateritic rocks which allows water to drain out .
This plateau has very thin layer of soil which allowes vegetation only in rainy reason. Kaas has average annual rainfall of 2500-3000 mm.
This combination of volcanic activity formed basalt rock,Thin layer of soil and Havay rainfall and The lateritic nature of Plateau has produced a unique ecosystem, hence the flora and fauna of the region is unique and endemic.

All this gives a niche to this place.

Sitechi Asave

Intesting facts about Plateau :

Interestingly some flowers only bloom between 7 am To 2 am.

Literally this place change colour every week as per progression flowers and monsoon.

Some flowers like Topali Karavi grow after every 5 to 6 years last time Karavi was grown in 2016 now likely to grow in 2022.

In March month flowers with red petals only grow for 15 days.

Kumudini lake
So this is like cycle of Flowers.

Kumudini Lake :

In sanskrit kumud means Lotus that blooms at
night only so this lake got name as Kumudini Lake.

World heritage site :

A small Place came to limelight when UNESCO had given World heritage tag to this place in 2012.

UNESCO can declare any place world heritage due it's outstanding universal value it may be natural or historical.

This means Kaas Plateau gives outstanding universal value to the world through it unique Flora and fauna and ecosystem.

Lal Terada

White Flowers

Flora and Fauna of Plateau :

It has more than 850 endemic species. Includes number of colour shades.

Plateau have more than 450 species of flowers, 30 species of Birds, 10 to 12 types of tree species, 19 species of reptiles.
32 species of butterflies and 10 species of mamals.

Literally this place change colour every week due flowers and monsoon progressions.

Some of the species includes Micky mouse because it looks like Micky mouse,tooth brush orchid , Sonki , Seetas tears.

Threats to endemic species and entry Reebok data :

Having World heritage tag is proud moment but this tag nor only given for its outstanding natural . value but to preserve,protect this place ,maintain uniqueness.

Out 850 species 624 species are endanger according to ministry environment and UNESCO.

Out of 850 species 624 included in IUCNS RED DATA BOOK LISTS.  which consists of different category Extinct,critically endanger and endangerd.

So this plants comes under endangered species. So urgent need is to take action to protect it form becomes extinct.

Map of Kaas Plateu

How to Book visit :

Go to official website : kas.ind.in

Book your visit as per available schedule .

You can visit between 7 am to 6 pm.

Entry fees is 100 rs per person.

Only 3000 visitors allowed per day.

Please avoid visits on Saturday and Sundays and public Holidays.

Precautions taken by Visitors  :

This species are very rare , beautiful but they endangered so avoid extinction as a responsible citizens we should take precautions to avoid any harm during visit.

Do not walk on Plants.

Do not plunk any plant because this plants will not grow on our home garden.

Do not throw plastic bottles ,wrapeers .

Park your vehicle at provided place use forest department facility to reach spot.

Please leave place before 6 pm.

2 Reviews:

  1. It was great experience to visit kaas plateau this year

  2. It was great experience to visit kaas plateau this year
